Sunday, June 26, 2011

All that baby stuff

Brennan and I were talking today about some of the baby items we bought when we were expecting and which ones were hardly used and which ones we couldn't live without, even though we thought they might be silly at the time.

Use it just about every day:
Moby Wrap
Changing table/dresser
Nursing pillow (when he was younger)

Hardly use it:
Exersaucer (Hyrum hates it...go figure)
Baby monitor
swaddlers (just used a blanket to swaddle when he was younger)
stroller (used it much more when he was little, hardly use it now)

How about all of you? What baby gear did you find absolutely essential and what became house clutter?


  1. My kids only liked the wrap or any carrier for the first few months then they wanted some freedom! What can I say they are adventurous girls. The stroller is a must! I have 3 1 umbrella stroller for when Claire falls asleep while running errands 2 a sit n stand double stroller ( only problem is now they both want to stand) 3 is a double trail or jogging stroller that is like a baby all terrain vehicle. I love that one, it is great for hikes. Both girls loved the exersaucer( or the spaceship as we call it) but only after they were 6 months+ . a double electric pump saved me when my severely jaundiced temper throwing daughter REFUSED to nurse( my lactation consultant even gave up). Girls loved the jump up but not for jumping, they used it as a swing and smashed into the walls repeatedly. Now my life revolves around crayons, little people sets, and hot wheels.... Oh and sidewalk chalk.....lots of sidewalk chalk!

  2. Love my double stroller, umbrella stroller, sling, crib (when the kids are older and transition from co-sleeping), changing table (that I use as a dresser with cute baskets), bassinet, nursing pillow, hooded towels (all my kids still use them), foam bath pad, flannel crib sheets for winter, swing, glider rocker and a mobile that has lights and music (younger daughter loved it). I liked my baby monitor when we lived in a 2 story apartment, but haven't used it since.
    I didn't like or use the play yard, crotch-dangling front carrier, manual breast pump (made my hand tired and I barely used it after my first), bouncy seat, doorway jumper (thought I'd love it, but don't), burp cloths (my kids almost never spit up), infant bathtub, baby laundry detergent.
    I never even bought a play mat, exersaucer, swaddler (blankets work just fine), or half the stuff they put on those checklists of baby supplies. I figured that as long as they had a way to eat, a safe place to sleep, clothes to wear and a clean spot on the floor to play they'd be fine. And we were too poor and lacked enough space to get much else. I think the changing table was the only thing I bought for myself, everything else on my list here was gifts or hand-me-downs.

  3. I can't believe you wrote this post. I kid you not, I was brainstorming up a VERY similar post earlier today! We must be on the same mommy-brain-wavelength or something.

    The Baby K'Tan wrap is a lifesaver! Harper has gone through various phases with it - first she loved the cradle hold, then she hated it. Then she LOVED the bear-hug hold and napped in it at least once a day. Then she grew out of that. Now she loves facing out when we go for walks or just hang out around the house. It is a hands-free blessing, although now I have to make sure she doesn't grab various dangerous objects with her ninja fast swipe!

    We've used the Bumbo a lot - especially when she was first eating solids. Now we have a highchair that doubles as an entertainment spot when I need to get some things done!

    Loved my crib and changing table in our old house. Miss them both - especially the changing table!

    Loved the baby bath tub when Harper was small.

    Loved a manual breast pump for visits to Grandma's (sniff sniff).

    Board books! Harper loves them. Our paper books will have to wait until she no longer wants to devour (literally) the pages.

    The stroller frame that fits the car seat has been an absolute lifesaver here in Brazil. With no car it is an absolute necessity. And I couldn't imagine all the times we've been in airports without it! The umbrella stroller is also nice for quick strolls now that she is big enough for it.

    We also have a bouncy spinny toy that Harper likes for about 3 minutes at a time.

    Fun post! I think that baby companies are marketing geniuses, at least to first-time moms! Most of the fancy schmancy stuff is completely unnecessary and probably unwanted by the baby!
